8 Pieces Of Hardware For All Your Home Renovation Projects

Renovation is fun until you are faced with the dilemma of finding the right hardware for your project. Well, you are lucky today for we have already compiled all the possible hardware that you might need for all kinds of home renovations. Here are 8 hardware options that you have.

1. Clip Top Inset Hinge Face Frame

This hardware is for inset doors. If you have a face frame construction this hardware will make the task easy for you. This is easy to adjust and secures properly. This also features precise alignment.

2. Glider Bracket Hardware

This is a set of four so you’ll have enough hardware to make your dream renovation a reality. This can be used to replace old brackets. This is also quiet because it does not squeak as most brackets do.

3. Overlay Face Frame Hinge

This is the best hardware for edge mounting. This is packaged with screws and instructions to help you out installing it. This gives off a traditional look like European style. These hinges open up to 110 degrees.

4. Mini Floating Shelf Bracket

Do you need to install a table on a wall to save some space? Then this hardware might be able to help you do just that. This will help you hang a floating shelf. This is perfect for thin shelves for its low profile feature.

5. Filigree Box Corners Brass

This hardware is to pair your aesthetic and classic interior. This is also made of brass so it is tough and would last longer than your old ones. The set consists of four brass and four screws.

6. Large Joint Connector

Need to connect pieces of board or plywood? Then you will need this connector. This will attach two boards securely. This is perfect for joining countertops together.

7. Rubber Feet With Screws

These rubber feet will reduce squeaking and noises inside your house due to moving pieces of furniture. This comes with screws so it’s easy to install. It can also prevent things from sliding.

8. Non- Mortise Hinge

Does your cabinet hinge already look old and rusty? Then this hinge will solve your problem. This is perfect for wooden cabinets as it matches the interior. This is also easy to install and doesn’t need much effort. This is a set of two and the two pieces are paired together.